Daily Archive: February 11, 2002


Nuking Steptoe And Son

Pentagon Nukes Steptoe and Son… So the thinking now is that those guys standing around the SUV that the Pentagon remote-control-bombed last week were in fact scrap metal dealers. Afghan versions of Steptoe and...


Dotcomments VE Day

God! I finally got dotcomments working properly… [lapsing into nerd-mode] So I had to go *far* more into PHP and ISAPI than I ever wanted to. The comments.php needed some changes to work under...


Emotional Ice Age

Freezing our emotional development at Sept. 12 is precisely what the administration is trying to do.


Dotcommets D Day

Finally got dotcomments working, no thanks to NT’s insane security model, but although it lets people leave comments, it doesn’t do the comment count accurately. Diminishing returns…


Dumb People, Smart Lizards

What is it with dumb people keeping oversized lizards as pets? And why then do they act all surprised when their cold-blooded pets, well, cold-bloodedly kill and eat them? This guy was squished to...


No NRA In Afghanistan

So amidst all the warring warlords and shit, Afghanis now have to check their weapons before entering a town. Allegedly. Apparently, it’s like the old American West, or something. Without as many bawdy houses,...