Category: Uncategorized


Clear To All Nations

Second, we have made it clear to all nations, if you harbor terrorists, you are just as guilty as the terrorists; you’re an enemy of the United States, and you will be held to...


Puff Puff Give

None of the four machine smoking regimens adequately reflected Human Mimic Yields of tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide. In addition, none of the four smoking regimens generated nicotine yields that were associated with actual...


Expensive Commons

Back from a quick visit to San Francisco. Spoke to some people who confirmed that, yes, “Web 2.0” is indeed causing a massive invlux of cash and hype – although one person into mergers...


Short on Tails, Long on Bollocks

By [Chris] Anderson’s calculation, 25% of Amazon’s sales are from its tail … But using another analysis of those numbers … you can show that 2.7% of Amazon’s titles produce a whopping 75% of...


What Is The Matrix?

The Matrix is the collection of computer systems that is reachable by e-mail from the Internet. While all Internet systems that can receive e-mail are part of the Matrix, the Matrix also includes computers...


Norwegian-Pakistanis Applaud Gang Crackdown

Police were searching for four gang members Monday after shots rang out amidst the crowds at Oslo’s popular waterfront complex Aker Brygge … police believe [this] was a clash between Oslo’s so-called “A” and...


Attendant Palaver Alive And Well

It is hard to pretend you’re posing a threat to anything other than your own will to live when you’re surrounded by corporate logos at an event broadcast on the BBC and attended by...


Still On Message

We make an unannounced visit to China’s only retirement home for non-commissioned veterans of the Red Army. It is a Potemkin old people’s home. From an army of millions, fewer than 30 enjoy the...