Drain the Swamp

Warcrazy Rumsford seems to have decided that the UN Charter against genocide is an irrelevant inconvenience when dealing with Afghanis… and anyone else he doesn’t like very much. He’s going to drain the swamp, meaning either to kill or force into concentration camps, sorry, strategic hamlets, as much of the civilian population as possible. This is the same strategy that earned Henry Kissinger his war criminal charges during the US’s last open-ended military adventure with no clear exit strategy or clearly defined military goals. Vietnam started so well and ended so badly, due mostly to astoundingly poor strategy by the Pentagon. I wonder how they’ll do this time with Bush’s call for an unlimited war with unending enemies

But hey, the concentration camp strategy worked so well for the British in the Boer War and the Nazis in WW2 that surely it *must* work this time, right? Of course, resentment and a desire for revenge among the civilian survivors is bound to engender a whole new generation of even more committed terrorists. Wait! I see the answer… eliminate all the civilians. Drain that swamp good!

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