Marie Clare Does Realdoll

Marie Clare ran a piece on guys who fuck dolls (basically a repeat of this Salon article). The idea that a certain set of people would rather fuck a completely submissive humanform analogue rather than an unpredictably non-submissive person dates back at least to the incubus/succubus fetish. Charles Williams’ 1937 novel Descent Into Hell (referenced in the Wikipedia article on succubi) rather quaintly portrays a man who realises he would rather fuck a completely submissive demonic duplicate of his inamorata rather than the “real thing” with all of her difficult, human emotions. I suspect there is a spectrum of linked disorders here, ranging from an attachment to absurdly silicone’d bodies at the mild end, through paraphilias directed at humanform and mechanical analogues, then through mixed and non-humanform analogues such as animals and animal-human hybrids, through into rather abstract object fetishes directed towards things like balloons (NSFW), for example.

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