Post-Pre-Med, Day 1
Today was the first day of the “pre-term” session, which mainly consists of starting by telling everyone how wonderful they are to be becoming doctors and to have been selected and all that stuff, and ends by scaring them by telling them how expensive it is to become a doctor. There is the inevitable “Latte Lecture”, which tries to explain the time value of money and compounding interest using repetitive latte purchases to illustrate the folly of living beyond one’s means. Nevertheless, I suspect many people will continue to purchase undue numbers of Mint Chocolate Chip Blended Crème Frappuccino. Later there was a trip down to the UCSD beach to watch the sun go down behind the surfers, beach volleyballers, pizza eaters and, later, huddle around a beach fire. A huge moon rose (there is a total lunar eclipse later tonight) and shone through the palms, the whole imposter sensation began to fade, and I finally, tentatively, began to accept that I am in fact about to begin studying medicine in UC San Diego. As long as its all smores and beach bonfires I should do fine.