Daily Archive: September 21, 2001


Join the Orgy

I’d love to get paid to write stupidities for the New York Post. On second thoughts, maybe not. “Everyone with a gripe against Israel or America has joined the orgy in the guise of...


Turning “Their Boys” Gay

Catholic madness still alive and well in Ireland — how people can write about concepts such as “original sin” without being judged psychologically suspect astounds me sometimes. Organized religion is little more than consensual...


TSlut Arse Shooter

Checked my logs again and suddenly massive amounts of people in Hungary for some reason are looking for crazy Flash stuff. And someone seems to have propagated an incorrect URL for the Korean Ass...


Fruity Oakenfold

Met another person who’s mad into Oakenfold — it really is like being into fruity alcohol drinks… you kind of grow out of it after a while.