Magic Jizz
Men have been concerned over controlling ejaculations for a really long time. Because it’s so associated with fertility and reproduction, of course states and proto-state machineries (religions, superstitions, autarchs, etc) are driven to regulate and control the production of sperm. The fact that masturbation can also be so personally rewarding without needing any training, expertise, state- or partner-sanction, or access to hidden knowledge or practices, also creates an impetus for external actors to seek to control and regulate it. Fascism has a lot to say about the control of the self in the service of the state (or analog) hence the connection.
All the accumulated superstitions and wacky overvalued beliefs about “magic jizz” and personal power/sexy fascism/reproductive mystique/etc kind of pale when you’ve seen it routinely milked with electrostimulation. The identification of induced retrograde ejaculation with magical powers of the self or religious rituals seems fairly pointless when you see a chronic, progressive development of this in many neuro syndromes. It’s just something that happens, and it’s not that rare. Even the exclusive, historical masculine identification of only semen with orgasm is incorrect as, despite myths, men can expel urine as well as prostatic fluids during ejaculation, just as women can, and in not-entirely rare cases, orgasm and/or ejaculation can also comprise or be stimulated by defecation. For the last, for some men, it’s a whole thing.