Tagged: Iraq



Nouri al-Maliki wants US troops out of Iraq. He leads a Shiite coalition comprised of religious parties, including his own Dawa party, which is committed to making Iraq into a Shiite Islamic state. Like...


Home Front

The death toll is rising as fighting continues in the breakaway Georgian province of South Ossetia, with the latest reports saying that more than 1,500 lives have been lost and at least two Russian...


Military Targetting

“I can confirm that we conducted a strike in Sadr City this morning,” a US military spokesman told AFP. “The targets were known criminal elements. Battle damage assessment is currently ongoing.” However, witnesses and...


Pigeon Fanciers Join Axis of Evil

The Americans say the militias have been using trained pigeons to signal the presence of American and Iraqi troops. The Iraqis wanted to know if they could fire on the pigeon keepers as American...