The Seed Is Strong
This is how I know Brenna is a Rogers. When I asked her today what she wanted to do after her nap, she said “I want to go to the Circus Pub“. This is...
This is how I know Brenna is a Rogers. When I asked her today what she wanted to do after her nap, she said “I want to go to the Circus Pub“. This is...
Today we’re heading back from daycare and Brenna points at a STOP traffic sign and says, simply and clearly: “Octagon!” She’s two-and-a-half. Where does this stuff come from?
Important milestones accomplished. Last week Brenna attained pseudo-teenagerhood: Learned how to say “Sure…” with a sarcastic tone. Played her first video game (an 80s-style static shooter) and was iteratively strategising new play gestures within...
Brenna, at 18 months + 16 days, within the last 24 hours produced her first intelligible three-word sentences: “I want that!” “No more nap!”