Daily Archive: December 10, 2001


Early EBayer

Collecting junk goes back a long way: almost 3 million years ago an australopithecus (one of the first “cave man” ape-like humanoid) liked this pebble-with-a-skull-face so much that it carried it back to its...


Animal Spirit Recession

Apparently, the current recession is caused by “animal spirits”, while “Help Wanted” ads are at their lowest level for nearly 40 years.


Hebron A Go Go

Hebron sounds like a crazy mess. Home to racists of both religions: Zionist colonists and Islamist Hamas. And all this because, according to some millenia-old legend, the Biblical figures Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are...


Right Guy Wrong Place

Robert Fisk, one of the most outspoken “dissident” war correspondents, was beaten and stoned by a Pashtun Afghan mob angry about the slaughter of prisoners in Mazar. This is a pity… this guy genuinely...


Sufis A Go Go

Here’s another article analyzing what the war in Afghanistan has accomplished so far. The author, Eric Margolis, does have an overwhelming anti-Communist slant though. Anyway, one good thing is that the Islam mystics are...


Media Wars

Excellent! Soon I won’t have to convert all my MPEG-2 DVDs to MPEG-4 CDRs to copy them. This newest recordable DVD+RW is $600. DVD+RW blanks are $16, but re-recordable.I need to get this to...