Daily Archive: December 17, 2001


WTC Financial Shenanigans

So in the final few minutes and seconds before the planes hit the WTC, some massive money laundering deals went through. But forensic analysis of recovered hard disks may offer some hope of tracing...


FBI Worms

This is rough. The FBI is now trying to use Microsoft worms and viruses to collect people’s data and passwords. Well, I suppose it’s cheap.


Attack of the Mutant Camels Redux

NTK was right. Game guru Jeff Minter’s apocalyptic 1980s-era vision of a world devastated by homicidal mutant kamikaze camels looks like it’s coming true in Afghanistan. His Attack of the Mutant Camels was a...


Spikey Postal Poo

USPS worker goes postal by flinging buckets of porcupine shit over ex-colleagues. Here’s an eye witness account.