Monthly Archive: May 2003


See No Evil

At least the Pentagon’s no longer bombing journalists it doesn’t like… The U.S. Army issued orders for troops to seize [Mosul’s] only television station, leading an officer here to raise questions about the Army’s...


Shiite Republicans Straight From The Pits Of Hell

So with the bizarre news that Texas Republicans are using federal anti-terrorist forces to hunt down and corral dissident Democratic representatives in order to railroad through some nasty pro-GOP vote-rigging “redistricting”, I was quite...


The Matrix: Resuckified

So I saw the new Matrix movie and it amazes me that they could spend so much money to achieve so little. It lacks almost all of the edgy tension of the original, has...


Toe Suckers Of The World, Unite!

So this school worker videotaped himself sucking the toes of dozens of prepubescent boys, but claims there was nothing sexual about it. Good luck with that! If you succeed then maybe there’s a propaganda...


Smarter Media Bombs

Several journalists pointed out targets to the soldiers they were traveling with. No sooner had the BBC’s Gavin Hewitt pointed out an enemy truck than it was shot to pieces and several Iraqis were...


Social Climbers

Duncan, et al. (1993) use a variety of national longitudinal data sets to study transitions out of poverty in seven countries for families with children 17 or younger during the early to mid-1980s. Examining...


Two To Tango

Now that I hear increasing noise and wind about Bush’s ludicrous “Roadmap For Peace” in Israel/Palestine, I notice that one of its core tenets – the removal of the ultra-Zionist colonies from the Occupied...


Not By The People

I noted this interesting review of an op-ed piece by Ahmed Chalabi, from last February, concerning the US’s plans for the occupation and restructuring of Iraq: “[T]he plan … calls for an American military...


Double Jeopardy

Woman with duplicate wombs successfully birthed fraternal twins from both wombs, simultaneously. Having each developed from a separate egg, the twins are genetically only as similar as any other brother and sister. About one...