Monthly Archive: April 2006


Booted Off The Island

This new Apple “Boot Camp” seems like a death knell for the Macintosh and its Unix-based OSX as a viable alternative platform for packaged software such as Office, Adobe, and so on. Dual boot...


Flip Flopper

[George Bush said] I’ve constantly expressed my displeasure with leaks, particularly leaks of classified information. And I want to know, I want to know the truth. I want to see to it that the...


Mullet Castration

Three men have been arrested on charges of performing castrations on apparently willing participants in a sadomasochistic “dungeon”. Detectives who searched the home Wednesday found medical supplies that included scalpels, sutures, bandages, local anesthetic...


Google Aid

Since its launch in 2003, the Google Adsense program has revolutionized Web publishing, turning blogs and personal websites into potentially lucrative ventures … Because Adsense earnings can vary widely depending on a site’s traffic...