Author: mike


Bonnie Brae Street Junkie

Cause of 9/11 # 345343 “America is as strung out on the fossil-fuel jones as any Bonnie Brae Street junkie is on Mexican tar heroin.“


Poor People Throw Rocks

This Economist article is well-reasoned. But it ignores the underlying fact that globalization means the increasing freedom of movement of capital without complementing freedom of movement of labour, has led to a massive democratic...


Taboo Ink

Ah the cunning of those sleeper terrorists in our midst knows no bounds… Thank God for eagle-eyed investigators able to respond to any hint of a clue, no matter how subtle… Orange County investigators...


Gangster Politics

Here’s a good article about how part of the Bush “strategy” is to give tens and hundreds of billions in aid to gangster and fascist regimes in return for joining his coalition. The enemy...


Parallel Worlds

Weird parallel photo montage between Islamic Jihad Warrior’s attacks on NYC and the US/NATO attacks on Belgrade a couple of years ago. I think no power to your refrigerator, no gas to your stove,...


Power Rings

Christopher Lee is still alive and playing Saruman in the new Lord of the Rings Movie. This I did not know! My God, he’s around a 100 by now. Maybe has one of those...


Trump’s Phallus

So Donald Trump can rest easy — he still gets to build big phallic buildings… I advocate skyscrapers with large surface-to-air rocket batteries on their roofs…