Author: mike


Burritos Of Mass Destruction

A call about a possible weapon at a middle school prompted police to put armed officers on rooftops, close nearby streets and lock down the school … Someone called authorities Thursday after seeing a...


Too Much Hyperventilating

Five senior British officials said the suspects were not prepared to strike immediately. Instead, the reactions of Britain and the United States in the wake of the arrests of 21 people on Aug. 10...


Thanks For The Help, Great Satan

In the heart of Tehran stands one of Iran’s most important nuclear facilities, a dome-shaped building where scientists have conducted secret experiments that could help the country build atomic bombs. It was provided to...


Asymmetrical Warfare

The current [Israeli] air force chief, Maj. Gen. Elyezer Shkedy, said in an interview that collateral damage had been decreasing from one civilian death per assassination in 2002 to one civilian death for every...


Trailer Park Romance

Parker Ward had no answers for why he had sex with the corpse of a woman he found dead inside a camper home … saying he was “pretty much drunk” that night … Ward...


Polishing the Knob

Elijah [Blue] proceeded to call Paris [Hilton] “a sweet girl” while also claiming he wasn’t that interested in her, especially after they had sex. Elijah next said, because he and Paris didn’t use protection...


Shock & Awe

Employment in Europe appears to be on the up with new jobs being created at a faster pace than in America. “The eurozone is now creating jobs at a faster rate than the US,”...


Insurance Policy

Israel signed a contract with Germany last month to buy two Dolphin-class submarines that will … provide superior second-strike nuclear capabilities. Israel’s submarine force is viewed as critical to national security. It is intended...


Collective Punishment

Moses dispatches his army, which quickly kills the five Midianite kings and slaughters all the Midianite men … The Israelites capture all the Midianite women and children and march them back to camp. Moses...