Category: Uncategorized


By Land, Sea, and Air

By Land, Sea, and Air Here’s a great website tracing the influence of Buddhism as it spread throgh Asia’s Medieval trade routes. One thing that impressed me was the extent and cosmopolitan character of...


Under Minimal Supervision

So CACI, one of the mercenary companies subcontracted to torture Iraqi prisoners, is advertising on its jobs page: Interrogator/Intel Analyst Team Assists the interrogation support program team lead to increase the effectiveness of dealing...


No Hee Haw

US soldiers who detained an elderly Iraqi woman last year placed a harness on her, made her crawl on all fours and rode her like a donkey, Prime Minister Tony Blair’s personal human rights...


Shot While Trying To Escape

Another prisoner was killed at the Abu Ghraib jail near Baghdad in November 2003 by a private contractor who worked as an interrogator for the CIA … because the CIA contractor was not in...


Oil Shocks

But within three years, we’ll be extracting as much from foreign suppliers as they can spare. At that point, demand cannot continue to grow at the current pace. It cannot exceed supply … For...


Military Intelligence

[Major General Antonio] Tagubas report listed some of the wrongdoing: Breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees; pouring cold water on naked detainees; beating detainees with a broom handle and a...


Heavy Squaddies

Photographs showing British soldiers beating and urinating on an Iraqi prisoner were published … [they are] beating the man with their rifle butts. He was reportedly arrested for theft. Their victim is said to...


Empire’s New Clothes

Judging by the most recent communications that we have received from Afghanistan in the form of encrypted cables, as well as by telephone conferences with our chief military adviser . . . the situation...