meehawl all that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned


Why Am I Not Surprised?

Four months after the Security Council ordered an independent board to monitor U.S. spending of Iraq’s oil revenues, diplomats on Thursday accused the United States of blocking it from taking up its duties. The...


Playing Politics

Lt. Gen. Jay Garner was trying to put together a team of experts to rebuild Iraq after the war was over, and his list included 20 State Department officials. The day before he was...


Texas Uber Alles

A Texas high school has apologized after the school band waved a Nazi flag during a performance on Friday, the start of the Jewish New Year holiday of Rosh Hashana … During a half-time...


Suffer the Little Children and Weasel Words

Global warming kills about 160,000 people through its effects every year … And the numbers dying from “side-effects” of climate change, such as malaria and malnutrition, could almost double by 2020. The study, by...


Once Bitten

Karl Rove, the power behind the throne, is being blamed for the treaso nous smear campaign agains t the CIA investigator J oseph Wilson who called him on hi s Iraq-Nig er-Uranium fantasies. I...


Deep In It

The focus on Rove brought an odd twist to Bush’s travels. When the president boarded Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington, he walked up the steps and waved —...


Making Out Like Bandits

How rigged is the bidding process in Iraq to reward almost exclusively US companies with tens of billions of dollars of cash? Very, according to Iraq Revenue Watch. Time and again the bidding qualifications...


Evolution In Action

Eating red meat introduces a potentially dangerous molecule into the body tissues … Humans cannot produce the molecule – a type of sugar – but it occurs at high levels in lamb, pork and...


Inglorious Revolution

You must make voters hate the government. There’s a danger that working-class families might see government as their friend: because their incomes are low, they don’t pay much in taxes, while they benefit from...


They’ll Buy That For A Dollar!

Clever idea – make an ugly SUV with more faults out of the factory than any other available consumer vehicle, name it after a slang term for blowjobs, then ensure it qualifies for a...