Daily Archive: October 29, 2001


NRA In Afghanistan

How many guns did Reagan’s White House send to the Islamist fighters during the 1980s? 3 million AK-47s. That’s a whole lot of sponsoring of terror. Surely Afghanistan is very close to the NRA’s...


Veggie Burger Wisdom

Something occurred to me in between bites of a veggie burger. So the CIA is now tasked with assassinating Bin Laden. Weren’t they trying to do the same thing to Fidel Castro for, like,...


Combat International Terror

Combat International Terror! Now You Too can Combat International Terror! Go to this website and submit a one-page summary of your plan. If accepted, you too could be grandstanding on CNN before you know...


Body Chunks

One of the coroners at Ground Zero: We were picking pieces of people out of other pieces of people. I think the largest part we received weighed maybe 10 or 15 pounds.


Gloria Trevi Inseminated

So Gloria Trevi, the Mexican Madonna wannabe who has been charged with sexually molesting her teenage fans, seems to have artificially inseminated herself while languishing in a Brazilian prison cell. Having a child in...


Big Smelly

THE BOXES are stacked eight feet high and line the walls of the large, windowless room. Inside them are new body bags, 10,000 in all. If a big, slow-moving hurricane crossed the Gulf of...


Monkey Clones

Monkey Clones! I am one step nearer my goal of breeding an Army of Atomic Super Dwarves that will taker over the world and usher in a New Era of Smaller Cars and Greater...


Trans-Eurasian Pipeline

The UK Guardian finally ran a story on the theory that the war in Afghanistan’s real long-term goal is a trans-Eurasian oil pipeline.


Nuclear Maginot Line

According to this story, Israel plans to detonate a string of nuclear landmines should the Syrians try to invade again via the Golan Heights.