Daily Archive: December 19, 2001


Score Now Even In Afghanistan

An academic, Marc Herold, has calculated that reported Afghan civilian casualities now number around 3,500 — the same number of civilians that died in the WTC. His analysis shows that average direct civilian casualties...


Santa Death Squads

More desperate acts by Santa impersonators as the season draws to a close. This one tried to branch out into contract killing.


Butcher Man Butchers Boy

A one-armed Egyptian butcher was convicted Tuesday of murdering and molesting a 12-year-old boy, carving up the body with a meat cleaver and burying it in concrete. If everyone was vegetarian, maybe this tragedy...


ars Cut Off? Drink OJ!

Walden broke into the … home of Abercrombie’s stepfather, tackled Abercrombie and started cutting her head and face with a steak knife … Rescue workers found Abercrombie’s ears in her stepfather’s mobile home …...


Peter Jackson Anointed

In the world of the New York Times, when you spend $300m on a movie, your earlier incredibly grotesque, wonderfully perverted, sick-as-fuck zombie flick becomes… the bracing shock comedy “Dead Alive”