Daily Archive: February 1, 2002


Classic EBay auction

100 gig western digital IDE 7200 rpm NEW Item # 1313577170 I originally bought this drive for my wife as a Christmas gift. Yesterday I found out why she needs so much drive space....


Cutting Edge Stuff

Cutting-edge research in the British Medical Journal here. Worth every penny of the grant, and surely a contender for an IgNobel? Ability to distinguish whisky (uisge beatha) from brandy (cognac)


RobotWisdom Down

It’s a pity RobotWisdom has gone down. Barger’s anti-Zionism too often strayed over into anti-Semitism and plain nastiness, but he found some good links. Hey! It’s back again!


Sleeping With Pooh

Children sleep with Pooh on their sheets, they wipe their faces with Pooh as they get out of the shower. Uh-huh..