Monthly Archive: November 2006


Sage Advice

[The] desire by some of Hollywood’s hottest young female stars to be photographed getting in and out of limousines in short skirts while wearing absolutely no undergarments is arguably one of Tinseltown’s most disturbing...


Growth Industry

A record 7 million people –or one in every 32 American adults – were behind bars, on probation or on parole by the end of [2005] … In the 25-29 age group, 8.1 percent...


Logical Progression

I noticed some writing that said that the idea of the noosphere began with the late 19th-century Russian, Vernadsky, which was then appropriated by de Chardin and taken into Catholicism before being declared a...


Dodging Godwin

The most literal shock of recognition was the repulsively callous arrogance of the term “shock and awe.” (The Iraqi people were supposed to pause and be impressed by our bombs before being incinerated/liberated by...


Reality Bites

At a recent White House reception for freshman members of Congress, Virginia’s newest senator tried to avoid President Bush. Democrat James Webb declined to stand in a presidential receiving line or to have his...


Mission Accomplished

Al-Qaeda [is] now an “integral part of the social fabric of western Iraq,” [and] has become so entrenched, autonomous and financially independent that U.S. forces no longer have the option “for a decapitating strike...


Tough Crowd

Angry Shiite Muslims pelted Prime Minister Nouri Maliki’s motorcade with stones Sunday after the Iraqi leader pleaded for national reconciliation at a memorial held in Sadr City for victims of a large-scale bombing attack....