Terms of Endearment

Amp: Marijuana dipped in formaldehyde or embalming fluid, sometimes laced with PCP, and smoked.
H-bomb: Ecstasy mixed with heroin.
Pikachu: Ecstasy mixed with PCP.
Bazooka: Crack and tobacco combined in a joint.
Belushi: Cocaine and heroin.
Champagne and caviar: Cocaine and marijuana.
Love trip: Ecstasy and mescaline.
Sandwich: Two layers of cocaine with heroin in the middle.
Squirrel: Combination of PCP and marijuana, sprinkled with cocaine and smoked.
Fishin’ out: Fall on the floor from a GHB, methamphetamine or Ecstasy overdose and flop around; a seizure or convulsions.
Trail mixing: Sample a wide variety of drugs at one time.

Journalists love making up lists of these sorts of things.

I expect their next article in this sort of series will be all the different nicknames 13-year-olds have for fellatio, teenage oral sex seeming to be one of the few things that genuinely excites aging feature writers.

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