Neigh Means Neigh!

Remember: Neigh Means Neigh!

So this homeless guy tried to have sex with a horse. Not having any of it, the filly kicked him in the face.

This other guy, however, was uninjured. Except he started boffing the horse in front of a woman and her infant daughter. Not the smartest cookie in the packet there.

What is it with people and horses? This carrott peddler just couldn’t say no to a romp with a filly.

And sometimes, even when they have real-live women, they get weirder and have sex with wooden rocking horses?!?!?!

Then there are voyeurs and the storytellers, and even man/horse personal ads!

What’s going on? Are humans infinitely polymorphously perverse?

3 Responses

  1. Zippy, Goddess of Luuuuuv says:

    Such a lovely Valentine’s post! Horses have, I fear, been rather neglected during this day in the past.

  2. Mike says:

    The Centaur Liberation Front would tend to agree with you.

  3. Filly says:

    The CLF will have your ass.

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