US Moving Out Of Saudi Bases

It’s always been a bit awkward that most of the funding for Al Qeada came from Saudi sources, most of the 9/11 kamakazi hijackers were Saudis, and thatthe country refused to let the incredibly expensive bases there be used to attack the Taliban in Afghanistan. So it comes as little surprise that, according to a variety of unusual sources, the Pentagon seems to be moving its infrastructure to nearby Qatar. The more pliant and useful headman there, apparently, will let them bomb Iraq, which they need to do soon if they are to produce a result favourable for the GOP by the November elections…

I think the Sauds know their special position is lessening a bit. The possibility that the US might start getting bulk oil from the Tanscaucasus through Afghanistan ought to give them the huge willies. They produced this farcical “peace plan” for Israel and Palestine which, given the current bloodthirst on both sides, doesn’t really have a chance. And then there’s critical articles like this in the US mainstream press:

[Saudi Arabian] Citizens have neither the right nor the legal means to change their government. Security forces continued to abuse detainees and prisoners, arbitrarily arrest and detain persons, and hold them in incommunicado detention. In addition there were allegations that security forces committed torture. .. The Mutawwa?in [religious police] continued to intimidate, abuse, and detain citizens and foreigners. Most trials are closed, and defendants usually appear before judges without legal counsel. The Government infringes on citizens? privacy rights. The Government prohibits or restricts freedom of speech, the press, assembly, association, religion, and movement. … Other continuing problems included discrimination and violence against women, discrimination against ethnic and religious minorities, and strict limitations on worker rights. The Government views its interpretation of Islamic law as its sole source of guidance on human rights and disagrees with internationally accepted definitions of human rights.

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