Silicone Embolism Slays Tranny During Arse Pumping Party

So this person died when hir arse leaked injected silicone into hir bloodstream, causing an embolism. Apparently low-rent FtM transsexuals attend “pumping parties” (not this sort of pumping!) where pretend-doctors inject their marks’ bodies with huge quantites of industrial-grade silicone. Who knew? Anyway, the hypo-happy couple who did the silicone injecting are being charged with murder. What’s unusual about this case is the obvious confusion of the media, being forced to caption their trial photos of “female” defendants and witnesses with the birth male names and occasionally some porno-styled tranny names. And then trying to explain who is what. Or not. The court is even getting a little tranny show-and-tell body exhibition so they can see the effects of this dodgy body sculpting.

Hawkins and Hendricks charged up to $1,000 per pumping party. Most of the witnesses are transsexual men who went to the parties for “body-sculpting.”

Hawkins and Hendrix would buy a gallon of silicone for $8, then tour the country hosting so-called pumping parties. They injected women and transgender people who wanted cut-rate “body sculpting” or cosmetic enhancements. Their clients paid hundreds of dollars for the work instead of the thousands it would cost to get plastic surgery and other treatments … After her death an autopsy revealed more than 2 liters of silicone in her buttocks. Like a ticking time bomb, the silicone had been silently seeping into her organs and her blood stream, finally causing her to die.

Hawkins placed 95 separate orders for a silicone product called “GI Thinner” from Silicones Inc., a North Carolina company that sells mold-making compounds, between October 1995 and March 2001, when Lawrence died. Richie John Ashburn, one of the company’s partners, said the Hawkins orders ranged from as few as eight gallons to as many as 40. The silicone is not supposed to be used for breast implants or any medical purposes.

The Miami-Dade County Health Department’s lead detective said that cases of silicone parties are skyrocketing. “They do this like Tupperware parties,” the source said. “You go in and they have silicone injection parties. They pump this unapproved material into different parts of the body and they sell it for cash.”

Following World War II, there were reports that some Asian girls who found that American soldiers preferred large breasts attempted to enlarge their breasts with injections of industrial-grade liquid silicone. The injections led to numerous complications. The injected liquid would migrate to other parts of the body, causing infections, formation of hard lumps called granulomas, blood clots to the lungs, cancer and death. Japanese doctors reported in medical journals that women injected with silicone showed symptoms of immune system disorders … The FDA prohibits manufacturers or doctors from marketing or promoting unapproved products such as liquid silicone. This means that a doctor cannot legally advertise or sell this material.

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