The Enemy Of My Enemy…

So like many people I was puzzled by the news a few weeks ago that the Pentagon had been careful to bypass the armed, mi
litant Mujah
edeen e Khalq mili
tia faction
in Iraq and had not launched any air attacks to reduce its strength or positional attacks to kill or capture its troops. This radical terrorist group was often used by Saddam to launch covert attacks against Iran, and it seems that the Pentagon is negotiating with MeK to sponsor business-as-usual attacks against Iran. Apparently, the neocons don’t think they can get political cover for a full-scale attack against Iran and using the Mujahedeen worked out so “well” in Afghanistan so why not? These people never give up.

The Pentagon is considering a massive covert action program to overthrow Iran’s ruling ayatollahs as the only way to stop the country’s nuclear weapons ambitions, senior State Department and Pentagon officials told ABCNEWS. The proposal, which would include covert sponsorship of a group currently deemed terrorist by the U.S. government, is not new, and has not won favor with enough top officials to be acted upon.

Meanwhile, state-sponsored cannabilism and genocide is gathering pace in Congo but I guess all the Coalition Of The Willing guys are busy making the Middle East safe for plutocracy. Apparently only the French seem willing to intervene in an oil-free war zone. I wonder what’s in it for them?

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