Monthly Archive: July 2003


Coolidge Redux

THE final parallel with 1929 is a more general one; it has broadly to do with tax reduction and investment incentives. In the Coolidge years, as noted, Andrew Mellon reduced taxes on the affluent....


Spectator Surgery!

How have I missed this show? Spectator surgery! The before and after photos also detail the rather scary amount od dodgy cosmetic surgery inflicted on these people. Auditions in SF in two days!


Foreigners Out Of Iraq!

U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz warned foreigners Monday not to interfere in Iraq … “I think all foreigners should stop interfering in the internal affairs of Iraq,” said Wolfowitz, who is touring the...


Two Legs Good! Four Legs Better!

Amnesty has collected a “tip of the iceberg” swathe of complaints concerning Pentagon troops’ human rights abuses in Iraq. The allegations include the shooting of a 12-year-old boy during house-to-house searches by US troops,...


In Your Face, Atkins Heads!

A vegetarian diet high in soluble fibre and low in saturated fats can lower bad cholesterol as effectively as some commonly prescribed drugs, a new study found … a diet heavy in okra, eggplant,...


Last Boy Standing

Saddam Hussein’s teenage grandson Mustapha may have been the last man standing after U.S. troops launched a missile barrage on a house where he had holed up with his father and uncle. Three adults...


And Your Little Dog As Well!

2x$15m Bounty… Iraqis say “Can We Have That In Euros Instead”? I’m tempted to think of how the world would have reacted if, in a very different 1991, a victorious, occupying Iraqi army had...


Prelude To Invasion

It’s sad that so many otherwise intelligent, concerned people spend so long analyzing the irreconcilable and confused public utterances of King Bush as to whether or not Iraq was an “imminent threat”.Actions speak louder...


Starbucks Fat Bux

Picture a Chocolate Brownie Frappuccino, a signature drink of perhaps the most successful retail business ever — the Starbucks coffee shop chain … [it] contains an amazing 870 calories, or the equivalent carbo- and...