Monthly Archive: July 2003


Empire Lite

The second reason Iraq’s recovery will be delayed — if not bungled altogether — is the United States’ dogged refusal to cede any responsibility for the occupation to the United Nations. As a result,...



Mokhiber: Ari, in the 2002 election campaign, the Republican Party took in $7.2 million from convicted criminals. Is the President okay with his party taking millions of dollars from convicted criminals? Ari Ari Fleischer:...


Orwelling It

So now the Bush Gang are trying to do an Orwell on recent history. The fundamental question is, did Saddam Hussein have a weapons program? And the answer is, absolutely. And we gave him...


Well That’s A Relief!

Australian scientists have shown that the more men masturbate between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely they are to develop the disease that kills more than half a million men each...


Dirty Old Ghost Town

San Francisco has been confirmed as the fastest-shrinking city in the US, where the population declined by 1.5% within one 12-month period last year. SF is shrinking faster than even Flint, Michigan! Having been...


A Rising Tide

I said it a few days ago – Cheney is looking more and more like the fall guy and his political rivals have scented blood. Cheney’s managed to weasel out of various previous corruption...


NWA – Nuns With Attitude

Dressed in white mop-up suits, with “Citizens Weapons Inspection Team” printed on the back and “Disarmament Specialists” on the front, Dominican Sisters Ardeth Platte, Carol Gilbert and Jackie Hudson entered Minuteman III silo N-8...