Evolutionary Fallacy

I saw someone write this, apparently convinced of their own wisdom: People who live in the Arctic evolved to eat loads of fish and red meat, very few grains and produce.

Human cultures capable of living in Arctic conditions are a relatively modern invention. Human colonisation of the Arctic seems to have begun only a few centuries before 500 CE (the Dorset Culture) and definitely by 500CE, which is when the Thule Culture began displacing the Arctic aborigines. Around the same time as the Vikings arrived in Southern Greenland, the Inuit were arriving in Northern Greenland…

There is a theory that it is the emergence of stable, permanent Arctic cultures that effectively “cut off” North America from further migrations via the Bering Straits. Prior to that period, it was possible for Mongoloian and Siberian cultures to “make a dash” across the icy coast, grimly surviving as they made their way south into warmer territories. The new permanent inhabitants of the Arctic regions of the straits made that impossible by out-competing the migrants for resources, and possibly using aggressive action against them to deter them further. Thus the Americas became isolated from the great Eurasian Migrations just as the Classical Era really got going…

Anyway, the point is, a couple of thousand years isn’t enough time for human metabolism to “evolve” to eat meat. It already possessed that ability.

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