Author: mike



Finally in 2012 after the Fat Lady sung I saw the Space Shuttle – by sheer chance the 747 carrying Endeavor flew by directly over the house, and super low. Pretty impressive but amazingly...


The Zero Percent Solution

Obama continues to lead Romney among key parts of his political base, including African Americans (94 percent to 0 percent) I missed this when it came out, but this made me smile. McCain managed...


Helium Beatles

I don’t often listen to mutated Beatles covers, but when I do, I ensure playback is *at least* 3x normal speed (thanks VLC!) to add a delicious junglist vibe to the tracks. Otherwise they...


Brenna’s Pseudo-Teenagerhood

Important milestones accomplished. Last week Brenna attained pseudo-teenagerhood: Learned how to say “Sure…” with a sarcastic tone. Played her first video game (an 80s-style static shooter) and was iteratively strategising new play gestures within...


Yet Another Med Student

Mind control. Anti-vaccine. FBI false flags. UN One World paranoia. Med student psychopaths enmeshed in online role playing games. The only thing this nutty and impressively rapidly formulated conspiracy theory is missing is Hussein...


Big Science!

[Anaesthesiologist Yoshitaka Fujii] “fabricated his results in at least 172 published studies” … British anesthesiologist John Carlisle, found that the odds of the data being generated experimentally [were] on the order of 1×10^30 …...


Sleeping Beauty!

I was called to the ED to eval an unresponsive pt for whom cardiac workup had been negative (was clammy, looked a bit like shock, and even had the defibrillator hooked up…). But luckily...