meehawl all that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned


Microsoft Word Is *Hard*

THE United Nations withheld some of the most damaging allegations against Syria in its report on the murder of Rafik Hariri, the former Lebanese Prime Minister … The names of the brother of Bashar...


The 1% Solution

Up to 65 per cent of Iraqi citizens support attacks and fewer than one per cent think Allied military involvement is helping to improve security in their country.


Deep In The Core

A video of what is currently thought to be the closest star to the supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy. The star orbits the black hole in a highly elliptical orbit...


Biased But Worth Reading

Loyalist musical culture is an almost entirely self-contained one. The bands and singers perform almost exclusively in specifically Loyalist venues; often social clubs which are linked to paramilitary organisations. The CDs and tapes sell...


GTA Ireland – Colostomy Wars

Ireland’s criminal gangs are more dangerous and unpredictable than ever … Their lives are fast and short, their violence is said to be almost psychopathic. Some who lost kidneys in shoot-outs continued to wage...


Bikini Hijab

I traveled for two weeks through what is now the Islamic Republic of Iran … I also got a taste of life behind the high garden walls of the houses of the middle and...


Spud Gun!

An excellent roundup of so many of the naff toys I enjoyed in the BC (“Before Computers”) era. This was my favourite: the Spud Gun. Given that there were, in fact, an awful lot...


Chicken Little

For 16 critical hours, Federal Emergency Management Agency officials, including former director Michael D. Brown, dismissed urgent eyewitness accounts by FEMA’s only staffer in New Orleans that Hurricane Katrina had broken the city’s levee...