Daily Archive: December 5, 2001


So Many MP3s, So Little Time

I just worked out that with many thousands of MP3s occupying (currently) around 500GB of disk space, it will take me 10.15 years to listen to all the stuff on random shuffle. I better...


Throttling The Arse

Whew! Ever since Wired ran that story on the Arse Shooters, the daily visitors on this site spiked at 12K and then went to a steady-state of around 2-3K. Which made listening to my...


Yoga Pain

So I’ve been going to yoga for a while. But today instead of rushing through, one of the teachers decided to show us exactly how to do upward dog. And OUCH! I’ve been doing...


Deep Trends

These, then, are the four deep trends shaping the early 21st century. First, the globalization of terrorism. Second, the approach of a second energy crisis. Third, the formalization of American imperialism. And finally, the...


More Mall Madness

As if self-immolation was not enough, this disgruntled holiday shopper decided to fling his semen at shoppers in his local mall. (Note that this was reported by Denise Dick. Nominative determinism or editors with...