Daily Archive: February 7, 2002


The Old Switcheroo

Man sleeps with male Boss then cries “Rape!” Can you say… Denial? There was no way it was consensual. I’ve had sexual experiences with other people in the past, but never with men.


SUVs Confirmed As Dangerous To Drivers

Driving SUVs Suicidal in Afghanistan… I love this story. 1. Drone operator sees bunch of people standing near SUVs. 2. Thinks “Bin Laden likes to drive SUVs”. 3. Drone operator fires missile, killing them....


Hare Krishna Monks Gone Wild

Chastitute Monkish Orders Attract Perverts — Nobody Very Surprised… What is it about all-male chastitute monks that attracts the perverts by the boatload. Proving that institutionalized paedophilia isn’t just a Catholic speciality, the Hare...


Lieberman’s Final Solution

Good article here, on whether Sharon’s talks with Yasser Arafat’s political team indicate he’s rethinking his war strategy, or just trying to lull them before he implements the final solution to the Palestinian “problem”...


Ravine Assault

I had been grabbed from behind, pulled into the bushes, beaten, and sexually assaulted. Helpless and entirely at my assailant’s mercy, I talked to him, trying to appeal to his humanity, and, when that...


Questionable POW Status

Bush has finally listened to Colin Powell and his military advisors and granted the Taliban PoW status. Ah no, it’s more mealy-mouthed than that. The Taliban will get Geneva status, meaning they now get...


Imperial Overstretch

The US – a democratic Republic that claims to despise large government – now spends more each year on the military than the NEXT NINE LARGEST national defence budgets. Of course, this gets results...