Monthly Archive: March 2002


Chu Mei-Feng Disappoints

So in a followup to the Chi Mei-Feng story, I finally came across (quite by accident!) a clip, on this weird Danish/Swedish/Norge (?) version of Stile. Good technique but no stamina, limited staying power...


Another Fat Lady

Taliban preparing spring attacks in what’s quickly becoming just another routine civil war in Afghanistan with the Taliban recruiting Pashtun to fight against the Uzbeks and Tajiks. Fighting vaguely conventional soldiers is one thing...


Whackjob Of The Day Award

A budding paedophile, sad but true. Eventually he will be compelled to actualize his paraphilia. A tragedy for all involved. And that’s deliberately wHAckjob, not wAckjob. Let us remember the wise words of Our...


US Losing Basic Science Edge?

Scientific American reports on a recent European study indicating that while the EU is still behind the US in terms of basic science metrics, the EU’s growth rate has risen while the US’s rate...


US Moving Out Of Saudi Bases

It’s always been a bit awkward that most of the funding for Al Qeada came from Saudi sources, most of the 9/11 kamakazi hijackers were Saudis, and thatthe country refused to let the incredibly...


Milton and Dudley Kick The Bucket

Dudley got to snog Bo Derek. Milton got to snog many Zeigfield Follies. He was also the wonderfully henpecked Russell in Mad Mad Mad Mad World. On the whole I’d rather have been Milton...