Category: Uncategorized


Is Sex Dangerous?

Is sex dangerous? Only if it’s done badly! My straight college roomie found a woman at a rave who enjoyed dry, raucous sex. Lots of screaming. Quite annoying. One day the pitch of the...


Phone Lore

Someone sent me a note about some “scam” involving land phones and how dialing “9“, “0“, “#” will let someone make long-distance calls using your phone account. Now, usually these chain emails are just...


Bad Day For My Self Esteem

The war Netanyahu and the neocons want, with the United States and Israel fighting all of the radical Islamic states, is the war bin Laden wants, the war his murderers hoped to ignite when...


Spin Ye Olde Goblette

Some things never change. I’m reading this great book on medieval life and there, in the 14th century, there’s a tableaux and description of a game that is basically Truth or Dare! No sign...


Bonnie Brae Street Junkie

Cause of 9/11 # 345343 “America is as strung out on the fossil-fuel jones as any Bonnie Brae Street junkie is on Mexican tar heroin.“


Poor People Throw Rocks

This Economist article is well-reasoned. But it ignores the underlying fact that globalization means the increasing freedom of movement of capital without complementing freedom of movement of labour, has led to a massive democratic...