Category: Uncategorized


Selling Lamarckism

I complained that too many world cultures were primed to reject the idea of random evolution through natural selection because most cultures or ideologies came out of or are immersed in and dependent upon...


Gratuitous Blog Fodder

North Carolina’s pro football team got rid of two cheerleaders who were arrested at a bar where witnesses told police the women were having sex with each other in a restroom stall. Witnesses said...


No Catholics Please, We’re British

Someone asked recently was “England” a democracy, given that it has a monarch. One trouble with this question is its sloppiness in assuming that “England” is the entirety of The United Kingdom of Great...


Tough Day at the US Supreme Court

Can one occupant of a home grant the police consent to search, thus effectively vetoing the stated objections of the other? … Justice Anthony Kennedy is concerned about the scope of the search: “What...


Iron Clad Intelligence

Feith held up a piece of paper and read aloud an account of al-Qaida’s ties with Iraq in the early 1990s. Then-Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, a man well-known and well-liked in Washington...


La Recherche Du Temps Perdu

So this is how imaginings of alien abductions take place. I entered the shower this morning at my usual time (noted because I checked the time as I was switching off the phone alarm)....


Neophiles, Neophobes, and Cainotophiles, Oh My!

Here’s a puzzler. If there’s a Cainophobia/Cenophobia/Centophobia/Cainotophobia (a pathological fear of new things, as ritualised in the DSM) using a more proper Greek root+tail than the Latin-Greek compound neophobia, why is there no matching...


Al Qaeda’s Honeypot

A top member of Al Qaeda in American custody was identified as a likely fabricator months before the Bush administration began to use his statements as the foundation for its claims that Iraq trained...


Oh No, Bono

So I’m walking along the street yesterday, and what do I see taking up a whole display window but a single book, spotlighted: Bono: In Conversation with Michka Assayas… with a foreword by Bono....


Demon Barbarity

The Sweeney Todd opera/musical has finally opened. Me and Lisa saw this a few weeks ago. It’s great. Loud, crass, and with a high body count. Rips off Nosferatu for the entrance of Sweeney...